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Vegetable puns in 2024

Obi-Wan didn’t want to eat his vegetables
-So, Qui-Gonn had to force him…

You brock!

You’re my bam-boo

My friend asked if I knew about growing root vegetables.
-I told him I just know of a neighbor who grows them. I haven’t dug deeper.

You look like a steamed vegetable, only smarter.

As in “Let’s play pass the parsley!

I’ve started investing in stocks: beef, chicken and vegetable
-One day, I hope to be a bouillonaire!

I buy my girlfriend vegetables every valentine’s day; she thinks I’m corny.

Time to celery-brate

If I had to give you a vegetable…
-I’d give you a root

How does a vegetable win a fight ?
-With carrot-y

I’ll stop gardening when kale freezes over.

I’ve been ‘bamboo’zled

If your book is made of root vegetables..
-You’re doing a taro reading!

Girl, if you were a fruit you’ll be a FineApple.

But it lettuce to the wrong conclusion.”

What is the deadliest vegetable at the North Pole?
-An Arctichoke…

We lost our dog when we went to the market to buy vegetables; if you see him, lettuce know.

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