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Volleyball puns in 2025

One day a volleyball player went to the church. He went to serve God.

Volleyball is 95% mental and 5% physical

Big hearts, little shorts

You won’t like it when we spike it

Wanna win………Then pick a new sport if you can’t take the heat (front) get off the court (back)

Excuses are for those who know they’re going to loose

We’ll go on the overpass.

Spike Lee is the prominent movie director behind all volleyball injuries movies.

The scary place where the ghosts can be found playing volleyball is none other than Volleyball Corpse.

Some call them opponents, I call them victims

Bump, Set, Psych

Losing is not an option!

Victory is the goal, determination gets you there.

REJECTION: Blocking someone so hard it knocks a grandma of the bleachers!

Dat Ace Doe

On a cruise, servers do a float serve.

If you have been to an ice cream store, volleyball players tend to stand on the service line so as to order first.

A volleyball player sang just one song and it went viral. She was a one-hit-wonder.

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