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Volleyball puns in 2025

Spikological Warfare

Serves you Right

I set it first.

Have you ever seen police officers on a volleyball court?
– Their work is to serve and protect.

The only similarity between a volleyball coach and a dentist; they both use an ugly drill.

Work hard. Have fun. Win!

Will Work for Sets

Where the spirit of service & spiking lives on!

Forget about it Princess, cause not even Cinderella is getting to this ball

serve em up, slam em down.

Volleyball.. It’s not how tall you ARE. It’s how tall you PLAY. I play HUGE.

He was joust-ed.

A volleyball coach and a dentist kind of do the same thing. They both use drills.

Today saw a volleyball team in an ice cream parlor- standing on the service line to order at first!

One World, One Game.

Can you dig it?

If you can’t take the pain, then stay off the court.

Demand respect or expect defeat

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