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Waffle puns in 2025

Baseball and waffles are so alike. They both need a good batter.

What did the Hulk say when he was told every superhero loves waffles at the breakfast buffet?
– Not all heroes, where crepes?

“As long as there are waffles, I’m in.”

Without you, I would have a waffle Christmas this year.

There are three important things in life: waffles, family, and work or waffles, work, and family. The order does not matter as long as waffles are first.

I don’t want to burst your bubble waffle.

Why are waffles so filling?
Because they’re wa-fulls not waff-empties.

When my mother makes the waffles, the batter tries to run away. I think it is because she cracks the eggs and beats them.

“This waffle is the eighth wonder of the world.”

The waffle cannot participate in the pancake party because it is a square.

Bite Into Goodness

Waffles are the true breakfast of champions.

We drove to California and had a picnic on the beach. Had a great time, even though our waffles fell on the ground.
– I’ll always remember that sandy Eggo trip.

“Pour some syrup on me.”

I made waffles this morning, but I have some bad news…
– I forgot the W and they turned out awful.

If you drop your waffle on the beach in San Diego…
– You have a sandy eggo in San Diego.

For the love of Stroopwafles.

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