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Water puns in 2025

What do the fish say when they run into the wall?

Playing cards in submarines, is only ‘so much bridge under the water’.

Avoid pier pressure.

How do you make holy water?
-You boil the hell out of it….

Archimedes approach to a water pump was screwed.

Ending up in hot water may be the result of upsetting a cannibal.

What weather do kings like most?
-Hail, of course!

Do Scottish Perrier’s refuse to drink tap water?

 I considered making a new brand of bottled water, but the market was too saturated.

What doctor runs their clinic underwater?
– A sturgeon.

The choice between a water control project or the all weather stadium was a no win situation. Dammed if you do, domed if you don’t.

Twenty Twenty won, and we’re not out of the water yet! 2022 is Twenty Twenty too!

H20 is water, but what is H204?
– It’s for swimming and drinking, of course.

Sea they never stop

Diving in shallow water could lead to jumping to the wrong conclusion.

Someone dug a hole in my yard and filled it with water.
-I think he meant well.

A vinyl resting place may be a waterbed.

I don’t know water you docking aboat.

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