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Watermelon puns in 2025

Most of the employees in the organization have their Mondays as the busiest day, on asking the reason some of them replied, “ We are busy on Mondays as we receive a lot of melon this day ”.

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What will a man be called if he has a lot of blusterous felon on his finger?
– “He will be called as water felon.”

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I always wondered why the watermelon loving librarian never touched any of the books; turns out she’d red them all.

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“My only lime is loving summer too damn much.”

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Pick up a sesame seed but lose sight of a watermelon.

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Why are watermelons, such good entrepreneurs?
– “They always have seed money.”

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Did you hear about the guy who smashed all those fruits?
– It was a slaughter melon.

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Did you hear the one about the watermelon pirate who went to the Caribbean?
– Must have desperately wanted to catch some arrgh and arrgh.

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“I won’t take a second of this summer for pomegranate.”

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What will happen if the watermelon does not bath for a couple number of days, it will start smelon !

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What is the only time you start at the red and stop at the green?
– “When you eat a watermelon!”

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Did you hear about the elusive skating watermelon thief?
– Not really, the only description they got was a Caucasian melon wheels.

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Pick up a sesame seed but lose sight of a watermelon.-Chinese Proverb

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“Orange you glad I’m making another citrus pun?”

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What is the best time to water the lawns; the farmer replied I water melon mostly during the morning.

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What is the best time to water the lawns?
– “Water melon mostly during the morning.”

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What’s the only type of melon that changes colours at will?
– Well, a chamelon.

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Forget the butterflies, I feel the entire zoo in my stomach when I’m with you!

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