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Watermelon puns in 2025

“You’re one in a melon.”

Why are watermelons the saddest fruit?
– “They get melancholy.”

Why did the watermelon go crazy?
– He lost his rind.

Here’s another one; what about an otter who lives in an emptied out melon?
– An ottermelon.

“Honey dew or dew not.”

Watermelons are smile of summer.

What was the watermelon’s naughty pick-up line?
– Want to see my melons?

What did the watermelon say to its boyfriend or girlfriend?
– You’re one in a melon!

Nobody wants to sit next to the watermelon in the class
– because it has a strange smelon.

If people have time and patience, they will be able to count the number of seeds in a watermelon. But not one person can tell you how many watermelons will grow by planting one seed.-

The instructor advised all the people in the gym that they should regularly do exercise have healthy food and also forty five minutes of tredmelon he meant to say treadmill is a must.

What will happen in a watermelon’s funeral?
– “The people there will be MELONCHOLY sad.”

The watermelon thief was charged with robbery with violence, but the judge later changed that to a minor felony; or melony as he put it.

“If you were a fruit, you’d be a fine-apple.”

“Honey, dew you know when we’re going back to the beach?”

Why won’t anyone sit next to a watermelon?
– They have a strange smelon.

Why shouldn’t you go into business with a watermelon?
– They’re seedy.

What do you get when you divide the circumference of a watermelon by it’s diameter?
– Watermelon PI.

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