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Watermelon puns in 2025

“All I want are summer peaches and cotton candy skies.”

Did you hear about the guy who smashed all those fruits?
– It was a slaughter melon.

You know what they say about when life gives you melons?
– You might be dyslexic.

What did the watermelon wife say to his stinky husband?
– You’ve got a strange smelon you today.

If you want to give yourself a fair chance to succeed, never expect too much too soon

A man introduced his friend to his wife by saying that we are best of friends and my friend is one in a melon.

What do you call a girl with no arms, no legs, sitting in a watermelon patch?
– “Melanie! (melon-y)”

They asked how the watermelon farmer felt after winning the lottery
; clever bugger said he felt like a melon bucks.

After about 60 days, tiny watermelon fruits appear on the vines. Over the warm summer months, these watermelon fruits grow bigger and bigger.-Julie Murray

Big watermelon–yes; sweet–yes, luscious–you bet! That was probably the best tasting watermelon I had ever eaten in my entire life.

A teacher announced that there will be a watermelon party on this Thursday, all students are advised to bring water melon in their lunch, a student’s mother packed a bowl of water and a yellow melon in the lunch box.

Why are watermelons such good entrepreneurs?
– They always have seed money.

The teacher asked us in class that if a group of flowers were called a bouquet of flowers, what about watermelons?
– Yeah, I got sent to the principals for answering a

What do you call a snowman in the summer?
– A puddle.

“It takes two to mango.”

Why did one melon break up with the other melon?
– He didn’t know water problem was.

This list of funny puns is really one in a melon… And they’re all related to fruit!

What excuse did the late watermelon give his boss?
– He said be there in 5 boss, I’m just rind the corner.

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