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Watermelon puns in 2025

I love watermelons but I believe you got to kill it to eat it.

And what’s more, watermelon needn’t just be enjoyed as a sweet snack. It works well in dozens of recipes, sweet and savory.

Why shouldn’t you go into business with a watermelon?
– They’re seedy.

What was the watermelon’s naughty pick-up line?
– Want to see my melons?

What do you calla watermelon that just won’t stop committing crimes?
– A watefelon.

“A large battalion of my thoughts was marching determinedly on its way to Annoyance but it was distracted and took a wrong turn at Adam and found, to its surprise, that it had ended up in the entirely different destination of Dreamy Contentment.”-Marian Keyes, Watermelon

What will a man be called if he has a lot of blusterous felon on his finger, he will be called as water felon.

How do you make a watermelon more watery?
– “You have to plant it in the spring (a spring is a small river).”

And speaking of meloncholy, I heard that’s what you get when you cross a watermelon and broccoli.

I love you with all my belly. I would say heart, but my belly is bigger. Always follow your heart, but remember to bring your brain along!

“In the same way that the stewards on the Titanic were more concerned about the unemptied ashtrays on the bar than the enormous hole in the side of the ship which was letting in zillions of gallons of water, I too was worrying about the unimportant and ignoring the vital. Sometimes it’s easier that way. Because although there was little I could do about the huge hole, it was within my power to empty an asthray.”

These days nothing is perfect there are a lot of flaws in it, hence steps need to be taken to make things normelon, said a minister during his speech.

Why won’t anyone sit next to a watermelon?
– They have a strange smelon.

If that’s the case, would it be wrong to say that the unfaithful watermelon had an illegitimate daughtermelon?

I just wanna taste it, I just wanna taste it / Watermelon sugar high / Tastes like strawberries on a summer evenin’

The inside of a watermelon should display good, crisp red flesh. Melons should not be mealy and water soaked.

Did you hear about the fruit who was convicted of armed robbery?
– Now he’s a waterfelon.

What did the fruit write on his Valentine’s card?
– You’re one in a melon!

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