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Weather puns in 2025

I tried to catch some fog, but I mist.

What’s a king’s favourite weather? Hail!

What’s a king’s favorite kind of precipitation?

A storm is coming, best get ready for the rain event.

What did one raindrop say to the other? Two’s company, three’s a cloud.

How does the rain tie its shoes? With a rainbow.

Seven deadly suns

How does one raindrop ask another out? Water you doing tonight?

I received a message from the sun, it was enlightening.

What is the opposite of a cold front? A warm back.

What happens when winter arrives? Autumn leaves!

All your space are belong to us

Raindrop jokes? They are rain sailing.

Why did the cloud stay at home? It was feeling under the weather.

Winter puns are snow joke!

When does it start to rain money?
When there is a change in the weather.

What falls but never hits the ground? The temperature.

One raindrop turned to the other and said, “Two’s company. Three’s a cloud.”

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