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Wedding puns in 2025

“You make miso happy.”

“Meow and forever.”

“My heart beets for you.”

“You’re getting meow-ied.”

Two cannon balls got married this morning. I hear they’re already expecting BBs.

The man proposed to the woman he was in love with using 100 pink balloons. She turned up to the proposal 40 minutes late, so the minute she turned up he popped the question.

I went to a wedding where a fight broke out between the bride and groom. It was martial arts.

A husband is like a fire. He goes out when unattended.

“I love you from my head tomatoes.”

“A dress that zips up the back will bring a husband and wife together.”

The Queen of Hearts had to marry the King of Hearts. There was no denying that they were perfectly suited.

A couple of canon balls got married yesterday. I heard that they are already expecting BBs.

Men are like buses.
– They have spare tires and smell funny.

“You’re one in a melon.”

I asked the librarian if he had any books of proposal puns. She said yes.

The father of the bride gave a speech at the wedding. He got the bride to put her hand out and the groom to place his hand on top of hers. He looked at the groom, and said, “this is the last time you’ll ever have the upper hand.”

Make it memorable- guests will gravitate more towards unique hashtags than generic ones.

“Don’t go bacon my heart.”

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