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Whale puns in 2025

In what context would the pun ‘whalerus‘ be useful?

The killer whale planned its attack on the seals
for days. It was very well orca-strated!

When the Orca family welcomed a baby whale
to the family he was considered to be a little squirt.

whale of a tale.

Whale played.

 I whale if I want to!


Whales are the saddest creatures in the world.
They always have a heavy heart.

Sometimes life is so over-whale-ming

What pattern should I choose for my bedroom whalepaper?

 I saw a group of whale musicians, they were part
of an orca-stra!

The shark kept asking the whale what was he
blubbering about.

Whale you be mine?

Money whale spent.

If there is a whale there is a wave!

Don’t call us, whale call you

What do whales like to chew? Blubber gum.

The only whale that has the ability to fly are the
pilot whales.

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