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Whale puns in 2024

Some whales just started a music group called orchestra.

 If there’s a whale, there’s a way!

Don’t test me, you know whale do it!

Whales flipper coin while making a decision.

The mommy Orca told her little babies to not worry because everything whale be alright.

You’re whalecome!

We quickly sneaked away whaler parents weren’t

Have you ever seen a fish cry? No, but I’ve seen a whale blubber!

Willy the little whale was sent home from school
early because he was caught chewing blubber gum.

Whale, whale, whale, what do we have here.

She told me I need a porpoise in life

 Whale hello there!

That’s a bit cruwhale.

Why was the whale so sad? It was a blue whale!

The reason the whale was arrested was because
his alibi seemed a little fishy.

Whales need vitamin sea to stay healthy.

Right whale I’ve got to go now

I whale always love you!

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