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Witch puns in 2025

Witchful thinking.

Witch-u talkin’ about, Willis?

Why couldn’t the little witch read her spellbook?
– It was written in curse-ive.

What do witches’ cats like to have for breakfast?
– Mice crispies.

Flipping the s-witch this Halloween.

Feeling witchy.

Why did the man decide not to divorce his wife after she became a witch?-
– He married her for better and for warts!

Let me make you an offer you chant refuse…

Why did the hotel staff dress as witches for Halloween?
– Because they provided broom service!

Witch doctors write their prescriptions in curse-ive.

“Basic witch.”

Happy Halloween, witches!

What problem do you encounter with twin witches?
– You can never tell witch is witch.

Why are witches good at farming?
– Because they love occult-ivation.

Keep calm and carry a wand.

Keep calm and carry a wand.

Witch-u want?
– Baby you got it. Witch you need… you know I am it!

What did the angry witch do after sitting on her broomstick?
– She flew off the handle.

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