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Witch puns in 2024

What do witches put on their bagels?
– Scream cheese.

A witch tells the time by looking at her witch watch.

How do the Malfoys enter a room?
– They Slytherin.

Here’s your new favorite rags to witches story.


How do old witches get good bargains?
– They hag-gle.

Witches buy pencil sharpeners to keep their hats pointed.

“Witch better have my candy.”

Witch, please…!

What do you call witches who live together?
– Broom-mates.

What did the witch get her cat for entertainment?
– A cat-alog.

Bewitcha in a minute.

Everything I brew, I brew for you.

What did the witch say to people who visited her house?-
– Come sit for a spell!

You’re the one that I wand! Ooh, ooh, ooh.

What noise do witches’ cereals make?
– Snap, cackle, and pop.

A witch with chickenpox is called an itchy-witchy.

Did you hear about the TV show with witches as FBI agents?
– They call it The Hex-Files.

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