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Wolf puns in 2025

What is a wolf’s favorite leafy green?
– Aroo-gula.

I taught a wolf to meditate
– Now he’s aware wolf

It is much better to walk alone, in the right direction, than to follow the herd, walking in the wrong direction.

“They say the wolf bestows its happy spirit to help people. Women who obtain this spirit become skilled in creative endeavors and experience a strengthening of the senses. I would like to think there is some truth to this in my own life.”

“Wolves with wolves are never savage.”

Did you hear about the wolf who fell into the washing machine?
– It became a wash-and-wear-wolf.

Once, I looked out my window and saw a wolf entering a house. Soon following a woman screaming,
…Turns out it was a man revealing he was a furry to his wife.

“The wolf that one hears is worse than the orc that one fears.”

“If you live among wolves you have to act like a wolf.”

man might befriend a wolf, even break a wolf, but no man could truly tame a wolf.

I have a bone to pick with you!

I think there is nothing cooler than being a lone wolf.
– except for at wolf picnics, when you don’t have a partner for the wolf wheelbarrow races.

“We both fell asleep wrapped up together with the wolves still lullaby-ing us in the background.”

“I guess I’m pretty much of a lone wolf. I don’t say I don’t like people at all, but, to tell you the truth, I only like it then if I have a chance to look deep into their hearts and their minds.”

A wolf doesn’t concern himself with the opinions of sheep.

What is a wolf’s favorite tree?
– A lu-pine.

Did you hear about the cow that cried wolf?
– Fake Moos!

I never lose, either I win, or LEARN

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