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Wood puns in 2025

I wood stay longer but I have to leaf now.

Where do phoenixes nest? Out of the ashes.

Leaves are always involved in risky business because they have to go out on a limb.

The only tree you can hold in your hand is the palm tree.

Talking trees love to die-a-log.

Benedict Lumberthatch.

When trees manage to drop their seeds onto bears,
they say the conkered the beast.

You want me to cut down that tree we have seen a million times? Yes, that old chestnut.

Wood fired pizza, so now where is pizza going to get a job?

A ghost jumped out at the trees and said ‘bam-boo!’

The top holiday destination in the forest is the beech.

What do plants need to do to achieve equality? Smash the pa-tree-archy.

Weeping willows are so sad because they are always
watching sappy movies.

How long have you been a lumberjack? I’m not entirely sure, I’ll have to check the logs.

Woody Allen.

Here’s a brief explanation of an acorn: in a nutshell, it’s an oak tree.

When two countries want to reach an agreement about the timber trade, they both have to sign the tree-ty.

My doctor likes to use remedies taken from the forest as
part of my tree-tment.

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