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Yoga puns in 2025

At the end of a yoga class, what does a squirrel shout?
– Nut-maste.

Why are most tornados good at doing yoga exercises?
– Because they are twisting.

Why is the apple so good at yoga?
– He’s got great core.

When are yogis unable to generate change?
– When using a vending machine.

“The only thing getting lit tonight is my Palo Santo.”

The bagel struggled a lot in the yoga class.
It seems like it couldn’t find its center.

Which is the quietest pose in yoga?
– The sleeping lion.

What is a yoga class without mindfulness called?
– It is only an exercise class then.

People say yoga will change you life.
– I think that’s a bit of a stretch.

“The wound is the place where the Light enters you.”

What would people call a model doing yoga?
– A Poser.

Which is the only vegetable that would go for yoga classes?
– It is probably muscle sprouts.

How can you tell when a yoga instructor is extremely angry?
– He gets incensed.

Knock knock!
Who’s there?
Yoga who?
Yoga to try this, it feels amazing.

“I’ve got 99 problems and I’m gonna go to yoga and solve about 53 of them.”

Why does the bear loves his yoga classes?
– He likes to paws and reflects.

How does a student feel after a good yoga and meditation class in the morning?
– Calm and Com-posed.

What did the yogi tell his dog?
– Nama-stay!

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