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Zombie puns in 2025

How do zombies maintain their hair on point?
– With scare spray.

Why are all mummies workaholics?
– They’re afraid to unwind.

What streets do zombies live on?
– Dead ends.

What part of the military do zombies serve in?
– The marine corpse.

What is white and black in color and expired all over?
– A zombie in a tuxedo.

What do zombies do at a wedding?
– Toast the bride and groom.

Why did the Vampire read The New York Times?
– He heard it had great circulation.

What do zombie actors do before they perform?
– They re-hearse.

What did the zombie say when she fell out with her vampire friend?
– You’re dead to me!

What would an incredibly well outfitted zombie be called?
– Outfitted to kill.

How do zombies keep their hair in place?
– With scare spray.

What do zombies say to their sweethearts?
– I chew-s you.

When do zombies move to bed?
– When zombies are dead sleepy.

How is Halloween celebrated by zombies?
– They color the city dead.

Why won’t vampires prey on snowmen?
– They’ll get frostbite.

What cars do zombies drive?
– Monster trucks.

What do you call a zombie with lots of kids?
– A mom-ster.

Why didn’t the zombie make any mistakes on the test?
– Because the zombie was a no brainer.

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