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Zombie puns in 2025

How did the Scottish zombie end up undead?
– He was half kilt

What type of sweet do zombies deny to consume?
– Life Savers.

How do zombies tell their future?
– With their horror-scope.

Where do ghosts like to go swimming?
– Lake Erie.

Why don’t zombies eat comedians?
– They taste funny.

I walked past Mozart’s grave.
He was sitting up, shouting “Braaiinnss” and ripping up all his music.
I guess he’s a decomposer now.

What do zombies prefer to have at barbeques?
– Halloweenies.

What’s a vampire’s favorite fruit?
– A neck-tarine!

What do vegetarian zombies say?
– Graaaiiinnss!

What would a dog that rises back from the dead be called?
– A zom-beagle.

Why did the zombie avoid all his companions on Facebook?
– Because all of his Twitter followers were digested by him.

Which ghost is the best dancer?
– The Boogie Man!

What brand of underpants do zombies wear?
– Fruit of the tomb.

What did the zombie say when she thought the werewolf was keeping secrets?
– Spill the zombeans.

Who was taken to the prom by the zombie?
– His ghoul companion.

What do zombies like to eat at barbeques?
– Halloweenies.

The maker of this product does not want it. The buyer does not use it. And the user does not see it. What is it?
– A coffin.

Why can’t the zombie get a job?
– They all want someone more lively.

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